Hello WCSU Students,

I hope everyone is adjusting well to the Spring semester routine. Here are some updates:

Senate Meetings

The SGA Senate meets Fridays at 11:00am this semester. Access the meeting through our website.

Clubs Carnival

Clubs Carnival is today from 11:00am-4:00pm. We have many of our organizations participating. Join here to meet club representatives and learn about our clubs throughout the day.

Post-Undergraduate Education Related Fees Reimbursement

The SGA is looking to assist students with their graduate school or other post-undergraduate educational programs. Examples: GRE/GMAT/LSAT Testing Fees, Application Fees for Graduate Programs, Certification Application/Testing Fees, etc. If you are interested in being partially or fully reimbursed, please fill out this form by Tuesday, February 16th.

Pass/Fail for Spring 2021

University Senate will be considering the Pass/Fail policy for the Spring 2021 semester. The current proposed deadline is April 16th (Withdrawal deadline without academic penalty). For comparison, the deadlines for Spring 2020 (passed April 15th) and Fall 2020 (passed November 18th) were the last day of classes (May 8 and December 7). If you have used Pass/Fail, please email me (sgapres@wcsu.edu) about your experience and whether or not you would benefit from this change. For reference, April 16th is the Withdrawal deadline without academic penalty deadline, May 7th is the Last Day of Classes, and May 19th is when Spring Final Grades are due. 

Mascot Change

The mascot committee (Mascot Advisory Committee) meets weekly on Tuesdays at 2:00pm. The committee is looking to fill student representative seats. Please email me (sgapres@wcsu.edu) if you are interested in joining. The next event, the WCSU Mascot Town Hall, is Friday, February 19th at 4:00pm. Access meetings and the Town Hall at wcsu.edu/mascot.

Equity and Inclusion in the Curriculum

SGA’s Research committee is looking to appoint two student representatives to the University’s ad-hoc committee. The ad-hoc reviews existing tools developed by other universities and organizations to review curriculum from an equity lens and make a recommendation for campus adoption. If you’re interested in representing the student POV in this process and discussion, please fill out this short form and share with your friends and other organizations: https://tiny.cc/sgaequity

Joining Senate

If you would like to join SGA this semester or run in the election to join in the Fall, find and submit our application on our information page. Applications for both appointments this semester and the Fall are due on Friday, February 26th.

WCSU Cares Fund

Apply for the WCSU Cares Fund (Not to be confused with the CARES Act) if you need emergency assistance. This fund was established to help students in case of a financial emergency preventing them from continuing their studies. This includes funding for books, tuition, and transportation to classes.

Contacting SGA

There are many things we can help clubs, departments, and students with. Here are a few of the most common inquiries we get and who to contact for them:

What are you curious about?

What to do

Who to contact



Funding/Financial Request

Email our Finance Officer

Mycky Cothias

Chair of Finance Committee/Finance Officer


Concerns about Student Services (Food, Shuttle, Mail)

Email our Community Inclusion Officer

Tommy Cherisme

Chair of Campus Life/Community Inclusion Officer


Changes on Presence (Club Officer)

Current officer must change this on Presence

CSI (Center for Student Involvement)

CSI or SGA Committee: Campus Life


Academic Life Concerns (Advisement)

Email our Vice President

Audrey Nielsen

Chair of Research Committee/Vice President


Students in need of assistance (Financial or not)

Email our Student Philanthropy Chair

Audrey Nielsen

Chair of Student Philanthropy Committee/Vice President


Concerns/General Inquiries/Any Questions

Email our President

Anna Adebambo

Chair of Senate/President


Have a wonderful President’s Day weekend.