Chair: Ezaan Khan, Chief Justice
From the Bylaws (Article III, Section 1)
The Chair of the Judicial Board shall be the Chief Justice.
The membership of the Judicial Board shall consist of the Chief Justice and between two (2) to six (6) Justices appointed by the President. The voting membership shall consist of all members of the Board. If the Judicial Board is not filled or does not convene often enough to require filling, then Internal Affairs Senators will fill the remaining or all seats and act as the Judicial Board.
Quorum shall be counted amongst all voting members.
- The Judicial Board must have members no later than the first meeting of the Senate, including the Spring Transition meeting.
- The Judicial Board shall evaluate the fulfillment of the contractual duties of all SGA members, as well as oversee discrepancies and disputes that may occur in regards to the Senator, Committee Chair, Representative, and Executive Board Contract.
- The Judicial Board will have foundational jurisdiction over all actions concerning Senator, Committee Chair, Representative and Executive Board performance (including the Vice President), and stipend allocation.
- The Judicial Board will recommend deductions, deem motions and financial allocations as constitutional or not constitutional. Their decision is the final decision on whether a motion is passed, or money is allocated in the SGA.
- The Judicial Board is the sole deliverer of penalties for SGA members and Clubs excluding deductions from the VP Workbook. The Judicial Board may recommend deductions for SGA members after thorough evaluation of the VP Workbook.
Hearing Results
11/29/23 – Senator Evan Walker: Removal from Elections and Outreach Committee; Rescinding of $100 bonus for Committee Chair; $190 Deduction from Stipend for Fall 2023
11/29/23 – Senator Joshua Fitzpatrick: $120 Deduction from Stipend for Fall 2023
12/01/21 – Vice President Susie Asamoah: Removal from the Position of Vice President
11/23/21 – Senator Charles Wimer: $60 Deduction from Stipend for Fall 2021
11/22/21 – Representative Laiba Qureshi: Full Deduction from Stipend for Fall 2021