Graduating Class Affairs Committee

Committee Chair: Emily Kappel, Senator


The Graduating Class Affairs Committee plans, promotes, and hosts graduating class events that are open to the entire student body. Members carry out tasks regarding event planning (filling out delegated forms, reserving rooms, reaching out to vendors, etc.). The committee designs and orders Senior gifts. The events are held near the end of the Spring semester, some past events being a NYC Dinner Cruise, going to a Brewery, and having an on-campus Picnic with novelties. This committee is open to Senators and Representatives (no Seniors). The Graduating Class Affairs Committee meets Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

From the Bylaws (Article IV, Section 5)

The Graduating Class Affairs Committee:

  1. The Committee Chair(s) of the Graduating Class Committee shall be a Senator(s) appointed and confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the Senate.
  2. The membership of the Graduating Class Committee shall consist of an open number of SGA members and WCSU students.
  3. The voting membership shall consist of all members of the committee, excluding the Committee Chair, unless in the event of a tie.
  4. The Graduating Class Committee shall plan and execute graduating class activities.
  5. Quorum shall be counted amongst all voting members.