Committee Chair: Michael Azzi, President


From the Bylaws (Article IV, Section 6)

The Intersession Senate:

  1. The Committee Chair of the Intersession Senate shall be the President.
  2. The membership of the Intersession Senate shall consist of the President, Chief Justice, and a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) Senators elected by the Senate.
    • Other Executive attendance is optional
  3. The voting membership shall consist of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) Senators serving on the committee, excluding the Committee Chair, unless in the event of a tie. The Chief Justice shall not have a vote.
  4. The Intersession Senate shall act on behalf of, and assume all powers of, the Senate during WCSU recognized holidays, breaks, and intersessions.
  5. Quorum shall be counted amongst all voting members.
  6. Membership in this committee will not count toward fulfilling the committee requirement during the Fall or Spring semesters.
    • Senators are not to be a part of the Intersession Senate during the semester
    • Intersession senators are elected during Transition Senate, the last Senate meeting of the semester. Membership does not transfer from one Intersession Senate period to the next.