This Fall 2022 semester, the Student Government Association will conduct its elections for the Spring/Fall 2023 Senator and Representative Positions. To access the Election Packet which contains the rules, timeline, eligibility, methodology, and other aspects of the election, please click here.

Official List of Candidates

[ ​Senator Positions ]

Hillary Adjei (she/her)

Business Marketing | ’24

Current Involvement: BSU, BSWA, ACSA, SGA

Candidate Statement: n/a

Justin Farinango (he/him)

Secondary Education – Math | ’26

Current Involvement: SGA, Aspiring Educators Association Member

Candidate Statement:

Hey everyone! My name is Justin Farinango, and I’m a Freshman majoring in Secondary Education Mathematics. I enjoy rock climbing, playing my guitar, and hanging out with friends. I am running to be a Senator in the SGA because I want to be a voice for the student body, and better the experience for everyone here at WCSU. Having already been a senator this Fall, I have learned so much in leadership and taking initiative when others won’t. I am also the Grad Class Affairs Committee Chair, where I will plan, promote, and host all the senior events later in the Spring. I have always had a passion for helping others, and you can be certain that if I’m elected, I will make sure that any issues you may have, are brought forth and resolved, to make your time here at WCSU, the best it will ever be!

Darline Fleurimond (she/her)

Management Information System | ’26

Current Involvement: Finance Club, SGA

Candidate Statement:

Hi, my name is Darline Fleurimond. I’m a Management Information Systems major looking to run for a senator position in the SGA. As a senator I will be a voice for all students especially traditionally unheard groups and ensure that the different needs of our student body are met. I also like to bake and listen to different genes of music.

Baki Ghannaj (he/him)

Digital and Interactive Media Arts | ’25

Current Involvement: SGA

Candidate Statement:

I will continue to work closely with fellow members of the SGA to better the experience of students. University life is hard, but it doesn’t have to be.

Aakanksha Koppisetti (she/her)

Justice & Law Administration – Criminology | ’23

Current Involvement: Appellate Advocacy Society, SGA

Candidate Statement: 

Vote for me <3

Karla Matos (she/her)

Nursing | ’23

Current Involvement: LASO, SGA

Candidate Statement: 

I want to continue to work with WCSU & SGA to fight for those students who are struggling in silence (mentally, financially, and physically). As the chair of the philanthropy committee, I found myself working towards bringing free products to students on campus (Food, toiletries, detergent, clothes, etc.). I would love to continue working on this until I graduate. Vote for me :)!

Hannah Kwarteng (she/her)

Political Science | ’24

Current Involvement: Honors Students of Compassion, African and Caribbean Student Association, Delta Gamma Phi, SGA

Candidate Statement:

I will work to represent and advocate for the student body to best of my ability.

Becky Men (she/her)

Finance – Financial Management, Accounting | ’25

Current Involvement: SGA, Finance Club, WES, IT Help Desk Specialist

Candidate Statement: 

As a Senator, I hope to continue my work since last Fall in helping students at WCSU feel more heard. I have been a part of the SGA in many ways. For instance, I am on the Finance Committee, where I work hard to ensure that all students and clubs can receive proper funding from the SGA to hold amazing and fun events on campus. I am one of the School Senators for the Ancell School of Business, where I help to discuss with the Ancell Dean, the issues and problems that business students experience and want changed. Lastly, I also work to be a voice for my fellow students in the Asian community here at WCSU and create a welcoming environment for them.

Adam Tobierre (he/him)

Justice & Law Administration | ’23

Current Involvement: ACSA, BSWA, SGA

Candidate Statement: n/a

Glenn Addotey (he/him)

Health Promotion Studies |’24

Current Involvement: ACSA, HPX Club

Candidate Statement: n/a

[ Representative Positions ]

Leah Chin (she/her)

Social Work | ’24

Current Involvement: ACSA, SGA

Candidate Statement:

Hi my name is Leah Chin. I am 20 years old and a Social Work major. I want to continue working with the philanthropy committee and giving back to the students and people in the community. I loved working as a representative and want to continue.

Emily Kappel (she/her)

Accounting, Applied and Computational Mathematics – Actuarial Science | ’25

Current Involvement: Math Emporium TA, Math Clinic Tutor, PASS Mentor, Leadership Compassion and Creativity Certificate Program, SGA

Candidate Statement:

Hi everyone, I believe that my strong work ethic, professional communication skills, and my dedication to serving others make me a good fit to continue serving the student body as a Representative for SGA. Throughout my high school and college career, I have taken on multiple leadership and community service roles such as being a Peer Counselor, NHS Tutor Coordinator, and Key Club Event Coordinator. Between high school and college, I have completed well over 350 hours of community service. Some of you may know me at WestConn from the Math Emporium where I have served as a TA since my first semester Fall 2021, or the Math Clinic where I am now a tutor. In addition, this past semester I have served as a Representative on the Philanthropy Committee. The Philanthropy Committee has worked hard to ensure that student needs are being met. One of our initiatives this semester has been putting together free toiletry packages for residents. We are currently in the final stages of setting up a food pantry and winter clothing drive to help those in need. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope that you will vote for me as Representative for Spring 2022.

Kylie Moody (she/her)

Psychology, Women’s Studies | ’24

Current Involvement: PsychAlliance, SGA, Writing Center

Candidate Statement:

Working with SGA has been an amazing experience, I would love to continue working with passionate people as a representative of the Student Government Association. I love working with people to make my community a better and more supportive place for everyone. 

Hannah Murphy (she/her)

Justice & Law Administration – Criminology | ’26

Current Involvement: SGA

Candidate Statement:

I Hannah Murphy would like to be representative for spring 2023.

Nick Peschier (he/him)

Psychology | ’25

Current Involvement: SGA Representative, Vice-President for WAC (WCSU Adventure Club), Men’s Tennis player

Candidate Statement:

Hi, my name is Nick, I’m a sophomore psychology major, and I want to be reelected to be a representative. I should be reelected because I’ve been a useful output in my committee, and I do my best to make the office not only a clean place, but a warm and accepting one too. I want to continue to be a part of the SGA into the new year as we continue to grow and improve.

Alivia Stonier (she/her)

 Writing & Media Arts, Broadcast Journalism | ’25

Current Involvement: SGA

Candidate Statement: n/a

Nick Varbaro (he/him)

Marketing, Graphic Design | ’24

Current Involvement: Western Marketing Association, SGA

Candidate Statement:

My name is Nick Varbaro. I’m a 20 year old Marketing Major looking to run for the Representative position in the SGA. My favorite activities are bowling and long walks on the beach. Make the right pick and vote for Nick.

Rebecca Wozniak (she/her)

Political Science, History | ’24

Current Involvement: Kathwari Honors Program

Candidate Statement:

Hi, I’m Rebecca! I’m a junior here at WCSU and major in political science and history. I was inspired to run because of the recent proposal put forth by university administration to gut the Department of Social Sciences. I have testified in front of the CSU Board of Regents and University Senate and reminded them how it would harm students and the quality of the university. I hope to continue fighting against this proposal as a representative in SGA and be a voice for students — not only those in the social sciences but everyone. The direction this university’s administration is taking us is a risk to all of us. It is time that administration listens to students and puts our education above profit. A quality education should not be limited to the privileged few. WCSU has a diverse, intelligent student body who deserves more, not less.

Murtuza Ansari

Computer Science | ’25

Current Involvement: Muslim Student Association, Commuter Student Organization

Candidate Statement:

As representative my primary objective is to contribute to decisions made by the SGA and to ensure that those decisions are for the direct benefit of WCSU’s students and staff.

The timeline is as follows: ELECTION TIMELINE: FALL 2022 

Monday, October 31st at 3:00pm  Election Application Opens (Click here to access the online application)
Monday, October 31st by 3:00pm  Information Page Available on SGA Website 
Friday, November 11th by 11:59pm  Election Application Deadline (Senator and Representative Positions) 
Monday, November 14th by 3:00pm  Official List of Candidates Posted 
Cancelled   SGA Elections Town Hall
Monday, November 14th at 3:00pm – Friday, November 18th by 11:59pm Individual Campaigning Period 
Monday, November 21st at 3:00pm – Thursday, December 1st by 12:00pm   Election: Voting Period 
Thursday, December 1st – Friday, December 2nd at 3:00pm Election Results Certified and Announced 
Friday, December 9th at 1:00pm   Last Fall Senate