Committee Chair: Sam Romano, Senator
The Elections and Outreach Committee is responsible for coordinating a smooth and fair Elections Process for all members of the SGA, new and old. Some of the major responsibilities within this committee are keeping the “Elections Process” Packet up to date per semester, doing outreach to students, reviewing list of applications, creating candidate lists, social media posts, and ensuring voting platforms are ready. This committee is open to Senators and Representatives of the SGA. The Elections and Outreach Committee meets Tuesdays 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
From the Bylaws (Article IV, Section 3)
The Elections and Outreach Committee:
- The Committee Chair of the Elections and Outreach Committee shall be a Senator appointed and confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the Senate. The members and Committee Chair must resign if person(s) is campaigning for a contested executive board position and the Senate shall elect a new Committee Chair during the next Senate.
- The membership of the Elections and Outreach Committee shall consist of an open number of SGA members and WCSU students, with the exception of Justices.
- The voting membership shall consist of all members of the committee, excluding the Committee Chair, unless in the event of a tie.
- The Elections and Outreach Committee shall create the Elections Process Packet and coordinate the elections during the Fall and Spring Semesters.
- The Elections and Outreach Committee is responsible for promoting the SGA Elections. This can be through social media.
- The Elections and Outreach Committee shall coordinate the SGA Town Hall event during the Spring Semester.
- Quorum shall be counted amongst all voting members.
- The Elections and Outreach Committee will manage the confirmation of election results. Candidates can reject their position following elections, if this occurs the position will require appointment by the president followed by Senate approval.
- The Elections and Outreach Committee shall coordinate Outreach Tables a minimum of ten (10) times per semester.
- The Elections and Outreach Committee shall coordinate SGA Informational Sessions within one (1) week following the Spring and Fall Clubs Carnival.