The Tags tab can be found under the Posts section.

Here a user can create, delete, edit, and view the tags for posts. 

See the WordPress support page for more info.

Tags are similar to Categories, but they do not inherently create hierarchy groups. Instead, they are used to group details that may span multiple categories. For example, if there were two categories named “Baked Goods” and “Desserts”, then a tag called “Blueberries” could be used to help users find posts relating to blueberries within both categories. 

Tags are also optional. Depending on site theme, posts with tags will have their associated tags listed somewhere on the post.

The parts of a tag

There are four main parts to each tag. 

Name: This is what the tag is called. 

Slug: This is the URL version of the tag. Try to keep the slug simple especially if the tag name is long.

Description: This can be used to help clarify what the tag is. Using a description is optional.

Count: This is the number of posts that belong have that tag.

Example tag:

Each tag gets its own feed

When a tag is created, a page containing a feed of all the posts with that tag is created. This feed can be accessed by hovering over the tag and clicking the “View” option (see example above). 

By default, the URL for the feed will be formatted as such:

[site URL base] / [tag base]/ [tag slug]

Here’s an example using the WCSU News site and tag “acting”:

  • site URL base:
  • tag base: tag
  • tag slug: acting
  • Overall URL:

The tag base can be changed by going to “Settings” -> “Permalinks” and then scrolling down to the “Optional” section. The tag base is “tag” by default. 

Depending on theme, the feed itself might not be visually appealing. If you want to change how the feed is displayed, it is recommended using custom CSS or a plugin such as Display Posts.