Within the Media Tab users can find the Media Library. Here users can upload, delete, or edit files.
See the WordPress support page for more info.
Files such as the following can be uploaded:
- Pictures (JPG, PNG)
- PDF, Doc/Docx (PDF is recommended however)
- Video (mp4, etc)
- Audio
Please keep in mind there is a maximum file size.
The default view includes all files, however users can search for specific files via filters (file type, upload date, etc) or via search bar (searches for file title).
The Enable Media Replace plugin can be helpful when updating Media Library files. See the Plugins page for more info.
Attachment Details
Each file has Attachment Details. Click on the file to view them – users will see the following information:
- Alternative Text
- This gets displayed if the file cannot be displayed or loaded.
- Title
- Caption
- Description
- User who uploaded the file
- A list of any pages or posts where the file is uploaded to.
- Copy Link
- This is a URL to the file. When a user goes here the file will open in the tab or be downloaded depending on file type.
- Option to delete file
Edit Image
If the file is an image, the user will be given the option to edit it when viewing attachment details. The “Edit Image” button is located under the image on the left side. This is generally helpful if the user does not have access to image editing software such as PhotoShop.
Users can do the following:
- Scale image
- Resize the image while maintaining the same ratio/proportions.
- Crop image
- Available via either dragging the borders or entering the aspect ratio or selection of the image.
- Rotate image
- Flip image
- Restore back to the original image (only available if previously edited)