
OneDrive (requires university login)

Textbook (required)

Big Java: Late Objects; Cay Horstmann; 2nd Edition; Wiley Publications; ISBN: 978-1-119-32107-1

Student Companion Site


Java Concepts: Late Objects; Cay Horstmann; 3rd Edition; Wiley Publications; ISBN: 978-1-119-32102-6

The second title listed is a sub-set of the first. I highly recommend CS, MIS, and science majors procure the first title.

Students may consult an earlier edition of either title, but they are responsible for making the translations to the edition listed. I will consult the editions listed.


Thinking in Java; Bruce Eckel; 4th Edition; Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0-13-187248-6

Video series with presentations on chapters in the second textbook title.

Students are not required to watch the videos, but I have included the link so students get an alternative view of the material.

The Java Language

Java SE specification

API Documentation

Java Development Kit (if you like to use JDK on your own machine; no university support)

JDK compatible with TextPad (if you like to use JDK with TextPad on your own machine; no university support)

Development Environment

TextPad (already installed in the classroom; university support only for classroom installation)

Adding JDK commands to TextPad (if Java tools do not show under “Tools/External Tools”; consult Slide Set 1 for better information)

IntelliJ IDEA (free for students; no university support)

Eclipse (no university support)

Online Compilers

All exercises must be completed in and printed from TextPad; no university support for online compilers


Coding Ground


Tutorials (supplemental information for students looking for alternative perspectives)

Getting Started

Learning the Java Language (only “Language Basics” and “Numbers and Strings”)

Practice-It! (look under Building Java Programs, 4th edition and under UW CSE 142)
