
OneDrive (requires university login)

Textbook (required)

Modern Database Management (12th Edition); Hoffer, Venkataraman, Topi; Pearson Education; ISBN 9780133544619

I will consult the 12th edition, but students may consult the 9th edition or later.

Textbook Videos

Students are not required to watch the videos, but I have included this link to provide an alternative perspective of the subject.


Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition); Garcia-Molina, Ullman, Widom; Pearson Education; ISBN 9780133002010

Try SQL Online

Teradata University Network SQL Assistant (may require registration)

W3Schools SQL


SQL:2011 (ISO/IEC 9075:2011)

SQL:1999 – Understanding Relational Language Components; Melton, Simon; Morgan Kaufman;  ISBN 9781558604568


SQL Reference

PL/pgSQL Reference

psql Reference (command-line client)

pgAdmin 3 Reference (GUI client)

PostgreSQL (free for any kind of  use)

Oracle Database

SQL Reference

PL/SQL Reference

SQL*Plus Reference (command-line client)

Oracle SQL Developer (GUI client)

Oracle Database 11g Express Edition (free to develop, deploy, and distribute)

Oracle .NET Developer Center

System.Data.OracleClient Namespace (.NET)

Ask Tom

Microsoft SQL Server

Transact-SQL Reference

SQL Server Management Studio (integrated development environment; GUI)

SQL Server Express (free to develop, deploy, and distribute)

JDBC Drivers

System.Data.SqlClient Namespace (.NET)