This information is for students who visit this site before the term begins.

Syllabus: If you don’t yet see a syllabus in the class folder (on N drive), it is still under construction. If you do see a syllabus, it is not final. Only the syllabus discussed in the first class meeting is authoritative.

Textbook: I aim to update the bookstore (as well as update the class page) with textbook information about three weeks before the term begins. The bookstore is the only authoritative source of textbook information and even that information is reliable only about 2 weeks before the term begins, and only if it shows my name as the instructor and includes the correct term and section. Remember, faculty assignment to sections can change any time before the term begins.

Schedule: OpenClose is the only authoritative source of class schedule. Although it does not happen often, schedules can change any time before the term begins.

In summary, be prudent when purchasing textbooks or making travel plans and other commitments. Where possible, wait until the first class meeting before making major plans. (I will have no reading assignments from the textbook for the first week of the term.)

Keep an eye on the web site for updates and send me a mail if you need additional information. However, please note:

  • I check mails far less frequently between terms than I do during the term.
  • Refrain from asking me about the syllabus, textbook, or schedule (see information earlier in this page).
  • Check if the university’s or the department’s web site (or my web site) already answers your question before you send me a mail.
  • I am unable to answer questions about prerequisites, registration, administration, and the like; I am only able to comment on the content of the courses I teach.